Yigal Mesika Exploding Light Bulb Pdf Creator

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Henry Hay - The Amateur Magicians Handbook PDF For more than a generation The Amateur Magician's Handbook has been the acknowledged classic text for conjurers?? Both beginners and advanced.
Even David Copperfield recommended it during one of his TV specials. Literally thousands of magicians found their love for magic through this book. Several of these magicians are today recognized performers. This fourth edition?? Expanded as well as thoroughly revised?? And introduced by Milbourne Christopher?? Includes a section where the Amazing Randi contributes his experience using video for self-coaching.
This new edition teaches?? Briskly yet carefully?? With hundreds of illustrations??
All the skills and secrets of the wizard's repertoire?? Reading minds?? Pulling rabbits from hats?? Turning red handkerchiefs green??
Dissolving konts?? Pouring drinks from empty jars??
Dealing yourself all the aces?? Finding silver dollars in the air?? To name a few. The Amateur Magician's Handbook stands alone in showing how and why magic works as entertainment?? How spectators think and how you must think?? To make puzzling tricks pleasing.
A comprehensive new section covers the difficult but rewarding (and potentially profitable) art of entertaining children. The final sections tell you what you need to know about conjuring beyond the tricks?? Comedy; pantomime; music. An extensive bio-bibliography includes not only the great conjurers of the past but also the up-and-coming conjurers of today.
Author Henry Hay offers guidance on making magic make money for you. 'If I hear of someone's studying The Amateur Magician's Handbook and then climbing out of the amateur class by getting paid for a show??' Says Henry Hay?? 'I shall be satisfied.' Table of Contents page • Introduction • A Few Words Before Curtain Time • 1. The Magic State of Mind • 2.

Hard Easy Tricks and Easy Hard Tricks • 3. Hand Magic with Cards • 4. Give Them a Rest - Tricks Where No Cards Are Chosen • 5. Please Take a Card - Standard Card Tricks • 6. Hand Magic with Coins • 7.
The Miser's Dream?? And Other Great Coin Tricks • 8. Hand Magic with Billiard Balls • 9. The Multiplying Billiard Balls • 10. Other Hand Magic with Balls • 11.
Mizuno mp 630 fast track. Hand Magic with Thimbles • 12. Hand Magic with Cigarettes • 13. Head Magic with Cards • 14. Varied Head Magic • 15. Small Gimmicks and Fakes • 17. Standard Stuff • 18. Mental Magic • 19.
Close-Up Performance • 20. Performing for Children • 21. Platform Magic • 22.
How to Stage a Magic Show - Some Professional Advice • Further Tricks and Illusions • Biography and Bibliography • Index 1st edition 1950; 4th edition 1982; 424 pages.
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