Borland Kylix 3.0 Enterprise (linux).iso

2002/07/24 - Borland Kylix 3 Announced Borland has announced Kylix 3 - the Delphi and C++ IDE for Linux. Apart from the press release, there's now also Kylix 3 information available in PDF-format, such as the Data Sheet, the FAQ, the System Requirements, the Features & Benefits, and the Feature Matrixitself. From Linux Journal: ' If you believe the hype, a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool means never having to write code again. Instead of all that tedious writing, you click here and there, drag a little, drop a little and-- Hey! Presto!--instant application.

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I downloaded and installed FPC+Lazarus using the distribution. It supplied all source code of both project, most of the available third-party libraries, and allow to compile cross-platform IDEs from an easy to use interface. I was amazed about how the IDE is mature, easy to use and powerful. And much lighter than Delphi latest IDE (even with a lot of components).

And compiling both IDE and compiler from source (in some minutes) is something very very very nice. It changes from the opacity of other solutions. – Apr 11 '12 at 18:50 •.

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• September 9, 2002 • By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols There are many kinds of programmers. There are those for whom, vi, gcc, and make are all the programming tools that they'll ever need. And, that's fine, for them.

Then, there are programmers who like rapid application development (RAD) packages with GUIs and integrated debuggers. If you're that kind of developer, then Kylix 3 () is your kind of development environment. If EMACS is your idea of a programming environment, Kylix will come as a shock. Many developers, weaned on Borland programming tools since Kylix's ancient ancestor 1983's Turbo Pascal on CP/M, will find that Kylix brings all the usual visual and rapid application development goodies they expect. Developers who cut their teeth on Windows programming environments like Microsoft's Visual Studio and has been hesitant about jumping into Linux because of its lack of similar tools no longer have any excuses. While Kylix on Linux has been around since March 2001, it hasn't been the most popular development environment simply because it only supported the Delphi language. While Delphi, essentially Pascal revamped and updated with objects, is very popular with Windows programmers, it's never been that popular on Linux.

Borland kylix 3.0 enterprise

This is simply because Linux, and the Unix family before it, has always been the haven of C and C++ programmers. Now, however, Kylix answers the needs of most Linux programmers by fully supporting C++ with the same development environment. The result is a RAD that should quickly become Linux's most popular integrated development environment (IDE).

• • Strong words, but it's a strong RAD. While those who are wedded to the command line won't be persuaded, most other developers will see Kylix's advantages. You don't have to believe me, or even pay out money, to see if you agree. Borland has made one version of the program, Open Kylix, available for free downloads ().
