Record Of Lodoss War Avi

I haven't watched this in some time, so it will be fun to go back and see it again! And if I have something else to say about this release, hopefully it will get newcomers into Record of Lodoss War and make veterans of it to go back and watch it all again.
Though the sword play isn't on par with Ninja Scroll, and the monsters can look a little bit more than goofy sometimes Record of Lodoss War is thoroughly entertaining as an epic. On the same level as The Odyssey, for the Japanese, Record of Lodoss War provides everything that you could really want from a Manga classic. They've got dragons, dwarves, goblins, kobalts, and berserkers too!(OH MY!) The art in this fantasy classic is gorgeous, it is most definitely a manga, and the eyes can become a little bit distracting to anyone who is into anime rather than the Manga look.
This definitely has a kind of Akira feel to the artwork; slipping between playfully sketched lines and defined, dark inked artwork. The characters are somewhat two-dimensional, fitting into stereotypes all to common to older anime's and manga, yet are somehow very engaging. Parn the young hero around whom the entire epic is set is equipped with the biggest shiniest eyes in the whole series so inevitably he will ride into save the day at the end. Record of Lodoss War scrolls the tale of our young hero, Parn, and his partner a priest of Valis. They are quickly joined by Ghim and Slain; Ghim being the tough as nails dwarf who despises elves, and Slain the quiet and contemplative sorcerer. Deedlit, a high elf - a princess actually - also joins Parn on his quest, after a group of Goblins slaughter Parn's hometown.
The adventurers set out to discover what is making all of the creatures in Lodoss so aggressive and uneasy. They are quickly embroiled in a gigantic web of events quite comparable to LOTR in more ways than one, and find themselves imbued the task of saving Lodoss! Any one who even like kid cartoons should see this, if you can stand any type of anime or manga give this a look the next time your out looking for an oldy-but-a-goody. The violence isn't graphic at all, there is only one scene of any type of nudity (A single nipple in the final episode for one frame) and it is long enough to grasp your attention.
If you shy away from longer anime's or movies for that matter because there isn't enough action to sustain you, look elsewhere. This is a very character driven story and thusly a lot of conversation and slow moving, sometimes seemingly jumpy, plot progress.
Overall an awesome set and becoming quite affordable too collectors, LONG LIVE LODOSS!!!!!
Sholat Wudhu’ Shalat sunnah 2 rakaat yang bisa dikrjkan tiap selesai wudhu, Niatnya: Ushalli sunnatal wudlu-i rak’ataini lillahi Ta’aalaa Artinya: “Aku niat shalat sunnah wudhu 2 rakaat karena Allah” 2. Macamnya ada 15 shalat, yaitu: 1. Sholat sunnah tahajud.
First request: This may be a bit unusual. Does anyone still have their PeerGenius User ID and Login and Password, if they aren't using it anymore?
I figure that this would be a good thing to email to, who has been extremely responsive in addressing the issues and suggestions we have had for eDonkey2K. Now, many of us feel there are definite User Interface lessons that eDonkey could learn from old PeerGenius, and letting Swamp on to try out PG would be helpful. (I would give him my UID and login gladly, but I forgot my password. If anyone knows of a way to retrieve it from the registry, I'm all for it). If anyone's got any nice anime/manga lying around: I could do with some!
Especialy looking for EVA, Ironcat (just heard of it today) and Gundam. My shared folders aren't that big.
Mostly MP3s (not much; just rips of a couple of my personal CDs) and some pr0n BTW. Did DrQuincy change his IP address/port? I tried logging in to his server yesterday (around 20:00 CET), but I couldn't ping him. The address I'm going by is., standard ED2k port (though I believe he upped his port number by one; is this correct?).
I'll try and log in as Cailin[ars] [This message was edited by Cailin Coilleach on March 20, 2001 at 08:13.]. C: anime>dir /s Volume in drive C is boot Volume Serial Number is E446-6F53 Directory of C: anime 12:36p. 12:37p blue submar 06:17p escaflowne 03:06p excel saga 03:12p FLCL 07:11p gate keeper 03:12p Inu Yasha 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of C: anime blue submarine 12:37p. 12:37a 103,639,040 Blue Submar 02:18a 91,371,520 Blue Submar 01:26a 76,679,680 Blue Submar 02:09a 110,354,432 Blue Submar 4 File(s) 382,044,672 bytes Directory of C: anime escaflowne 06:17p. 02:45a 177,352,704 escaflowne ion.avi 05:51a 167,636,992 escaflowne he Mystic Moon.avi 06:50a 161,935,360 escaflowne rdsman.avi 07:45a 161,214,464 escaflowne Adonis.avi 08:22a 160,862,208 escaflowne Brothers.avi 09:21a 176,820,224 escaflowne e.avi 09:55a 156,481,536 escaflowne ings.avi 10:19a 169,107,456 escaflowne el Flew.avi 8 File(s) 1,331,410,944 bytes Directory of C: anime excel saga 03:06p. 02:17p 112,183,296 excel saga 02:49p 112,214,016 excel saga 04:39a 114,343,268 excel saga 11:48a 114,247,990 excel saga 11:48a 114,296,120 excel saga 11:47a 114,378,978 excel saga 6 File(s) 681,663,668 bytes Directory of C: anime FLCL 03:12p.