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Use FileSalvage's data recovery features to recover deleted files, music, photos,. Written specifically for Mac OS X, FileSalvage includes powerful features that give the. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript); FileMaker 5 Database; FileMaker 7 & 8 Database. Results 181 - 200 of 1027.
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With its clean, accessible user interface, FileSalvage for Mac allows you to. Free to try SubRosaSoft Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC, Mac OS X. Jul 4, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by Jared WildFree Serial numbers for all MAC software. Unsubscribe from Jared.
It happens to us all – accidentally deleting a file. Or a folder full of files.
This time it was at the end of a Friday afternoon with a new client, transferring data from his old computer to a new one. The process took many hours, the client left for a while, and then returned just as I was finishing up and getting his external drives reconnected to the new machine. I had cloned the old system to the new, but wasn’t recognizing the existing backup on an external drive. Since we now had two identical copies of the system, I decided to just reformat the Time Machine drive (a Western Digital MyBook) and start over. There was also a 500 GB external LaCie drive containing other data. Some things require concentration.
Using Disk Utility is one of them. I was multitasking and explaining to my client details about his new computer while setting things up. I selected the Time Machine drive, clicked on Partition, named it as before (MyBook), and clicked Apply. Are You Sure You Wish to Continue? asks Disk Utility. Yeah, yeah, I mutter and hit Continue. A few seconds later, a new drive popped up on the desktop named MyBook. Just like the existing, unaltered drive on the desktop named MyBook.
The drive once named LaCie was no more. The moment of recognition that occurs here is similar to the experience of watching the locked door of your car slam shut with the keys jangling in the ignition. In recounting such events later, after the pain has passed, we describe them as learning experiences. “So,” I asked my client nonchalantly, “what do you use the LaCie drive for?” • • • Mac OS X Undelete Utilities The drive had been used primarily to hold music and video files, off-loaded to free up space on his internal hard disk. There was (it turned out) about 350 GB of data on the drive.
I apologized, told him I could recover the data, and brought the drive back to my office for a weekend of unplanned excitement. On Mac OS X, the best known undelete utilities are. I have copies of both these applications. Some Googling presented another option,, so I downloaded the demo.