Patch Chrono Trigger Ds Secrets

Intro video ends at 2:46, but you should watch it because it's awesome. Video is best viewed in 720p quality (I'd upload in 1080 quality but it doesn't make a difference from 720 since the DS's quality is only so high).
I also recommend the 'large' video viewer. Chrono Trigger tends to have small font and an art style that doesn't come off well on videos even when taken straight from the game. Edit: In the Mayor Manor, if you talk to the middle guy on the upper stairs a second time, he'll give you 300 gold, I forgot to mention it when filming and was going to point it out in a later video but I'll put an edit here as well. Chrono Trigger, my favorite game ever and a game you should check out if you've never played it before. I'm super excited to make this walkthrough and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy playing and making it.
CHRONO TRIGGER – Patch #5 Update Hey everyone, Here are the patch notes for the final major update to CHRONO TRIGGER on Steam! Latest update contents: Key binding function implemented Key binding functionality for game pad, keyboard and mouse controls has been implemented to improve the game controls. 2014-2-18 Chrono Trigger is an RPG made by Squaresoft, released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo. Its US price tag was $80! Yep, it's true. Other Squaresoft RPGs had the same price.
The goal is to release a video every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5 P.M. Time unless otherwise announced. I'm in college, sometimes I may have to cancel due to too much work. Another thing that could delay me is video issues, I'm working with 8 video tracks and this stuff takes forever to export and upload. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with any changes. I have worked super super hard on making a fancy looking screen layout, sort of like how I used to do sidebars.
Screen layout is as followed: Left screen: DS top screen Top right screen: DS bottom screen Bottom left screen: 'Sidebar' Provides information on games enemies, items, and techs. Virtualbox install extension pack. Bottom left box: Year and area Middle left box: Current song name or video name Right left box: Current party members, blacked out means they haven't been met yet, grayed out means they aren't currently playable, color means they can be used in battle, the left 3 are my current party being used. Right bottom stuff: Annotations to skip between parts and go to the playlist The bucket thing in the far bottom right: Will lead to alternate game endings, they won't be updated till after the walkthrough is finished. Special thanks to Kyoushiro/Collette for helping me with the walkthrough and XeroDragon for the ending picture. Thank You and Enjoy! Video Question: Have you ever played Chrono Trigger? If so, what did you think of it?
If not, GO BUY IT, LIKE, SERIOUSLY, I WILL DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO MAKE YOU LIKE IT. =D Visit my Official Website at Visit my YouTube Channel at Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates at Visit my Twitch Stream at You should totally follow this link and sign up:
2018 has been a great year here at the Compendium. We've seen some member growth, had a very successful Dream Splash fan event, and even proved that this series is still capable of providing unexplored analytical discussion over two decades later. The Dream of Zeal survives into 2019!!! Even better yet, we'd like to make a very special announcement to end the year of right: the release of a brand new ROM-hack from our very own Fauntleroy! We proudly support the release of: Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition! Quote What if.
Schala escaped from the Ocean Palace? Chrono Trigger fans have been imagining what might've been for almost twenty-five years.

Now, for the first time, an extensive ROM hack explores that question in Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition! By the same author who created the Golbez Edition and General Leo Edition hacks of Final Fantasy IV and VI, this hack alters events so that Schala survives the Ocean Palace disaster. Magus leads Marle and friends on an expanded adventure through 12,000 BC in search of his sister, with a promise to help them retrieve their lost Crono.
But only if they help him first. New locations, enemies, bosses and scenes await, ending in one of gaming's most long-awaited reunions. While recognizably based off of Ted Woolsey's original 1995 translation, this hack features an extended and polished script, new Techs, new items and weapons, and lots of surprises along the way, bringing maximum nostalgia while also offering something new. The Schala Edition patch will be exclusively available here at the Compendium through January 31, followed by wider release through Herbalife ultimate program cost.
The author thanks everybody at the Compendium for their help and support, because this project never would've happened without them! Try the hack today and thank you! See the included readme for details! Hi all, I've been working a little on new ideas for fun and engagement in 2019, and I wanted to create a thread to allow feedback and generate new ideas. As far as I'm concerned, this is a community for the community.