Marlin Model 99 M1 Serial Numbers

Left side under the rear site. That's where it is on my 99M1. Your rifle has been made to Marlin’s strict standards of safety and reliability. It has been proof tested with a high pressure load, function fired, and checked for accuracy at the factory. Built with tradition and engineered to last, your rifle is the product of over 135 years of Marlin technology. B ˘ Y ˙ Uˇ T ˇ F ˘ a˘.
Someone call for a Marlin nut?? Ok, the 989-M2, which was meant to be an M1-Carbine lookalike.
Yep, 2, not an R, is the same as a Model 70 or 995 or 989 with the addition of a wooden handguard. Install additional drivers linux mint 18.2. Which is the predeccessor of the Marlin Model 795, the difference between those is the LSHO (Last Shot Hold Open) feature & a bump in the magazine well that prevents Model 70 from being used. So whatcha wanna do is use a Model 989-M2 manual.
The manual doesn't go very in-depth.but the FTE thread below has links You can use Model 60 & 795 stocks if you decide to upgrade to a DIP Adjustable Trigger/guard kit. But, those 989M2 walnut stocks were VERY nice.I've got one myself A J&P spring Kit & replacement Buffer are the first things I usually change in an old Marlin. Buffer from Marlin or brownell's/midway/Numrich.
Read my post on Model 60/795 FTE repairs here. Click to expand.Don't call 'em clips, you'll have the old geezers up in Mags (box mag) from the 10-round OEM Marlin & 25-round Shooter's Ridge mag are backwards compatable. The biggest difference between the 795 & 989/989M2/70/70HC/70P/995/ the magwell bump. The bump prevents older 12-round OEM Marlin & 20-round Ramline mags (pre-1994) from being used in the 795, due to the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, (thank you Bill Clinton, you bum) which expired in 2004 (YAY!) Good cleaning & polishing instructional here.shows the Magwell Bump as well. For those that don't have the bump, they can use the newer (post-1996) magazines. Sometimes you have to play with 'em a little, some have reported that the new Shooter's Ridge mags require a little backwards pressure to work right, so you slip in a piece of foam tape in the magwell for proper function.
I just found this forum and I'm thrilled there are other people out there who love the 989M2!! I have a pretty much mint one from my uncle, hardly used by him, sat for a long time and now I aquired it. I threw a new scope on it and while sighting it in I had alot of FTF's (I dont think any FTE).
My uncle said he never did a full take down cleaning so I did it the other day. Everything was somewhat dirty as expected but I cleaned and lubed everything. A few questions for you experts though: 1) What brand/weight of ammo do you recommend for this rifle? 2) My plastic buffer is broke in 2 pcs, I found a new one on brownells/midway, but what does that buffer even do functionally? 3) Mine is old, not sure what yr but early for sure. I know if doesnt have the LSHO but even the old manual says that if you push the bolt in toward the receiver while pulled back it will lock in open.