Yrdsb Gifted Program Test Questions

Yrdsb Gifted Program Test For 3rd Trimester. Documents, Working Document – Screening and Procedure #NP358. They will be doing higher-level thinking and you will have a more interesting classroom! The Paperback of the Gifted and Talented Test Preparation: Test prep for OLSAT (Level.
There seems to be a great deal of confusion among parents regarding gifted programs in the public school system, selection criteria, and the various routes of testing children for these programs. Unfortunately, the school boards are not very communicative regarding these issues. This page is intended to provide answers for common questions about gifted programs; however, please keep in mind that each school board can have their own process / criteria and can change their procedures andregulations without notice. (1) How are students selected for gifted programs?
Typically, school boards select students for gifted programs in grade 3, with the placement starting in Grade 4 (note: it is different in the Peel Region and in YCDSB). The formation of gifted classes starts around March. The flash s04e01. The majority of school boards have a multi-stage procedure: First, they administer a paper-and-pencil or computerized aptitude test to all students (CCAT, etc.); then, students with a score above a certain cut-off point undergo an individual assessment with the school psychologist (IQ test, typically WISC 4 or 5). Based on the results of the individual assessment, those who scored in the top 2 percentiles are offered a place in a gifted class. The York Region Public school board now has a different procedure where they administer a computerized aptitude test to all students and select only on the basis of these results. Due to financial cut-backs, some school boards base their decision solely on the CCAT results. Also, some schools can opt out from gifted testing entirely at their discretion.
In this case, the only option for parents is private testing. (2) Can I prepare my child for the test? It is possible to prepare a child for the CCAT (e.g., you can use the training for CogAT, it is very similar), but DO NOT try preparing your child specifically for the gifted test, as it will only spoil the results. Familiarity with test questions and instructions will be noticeable, and the examiner will have to mention it in the report, which invalidates the results.
The IQ test taps into the innate thinking potential of the child and, therefore, does not benefit from training. (3) School screening test vs.
Aptitude tests used for screening are different from IQ tests, therefore, some gifted students who do not pass the aptitude test will not be selected for the program. Many children do not do as well when they have to work on a test independently (rather than interactively), or when they are asked to write a test in a large group (30+ students), or they might simply not care enough to try hard on this test. Also, it is known from the parents’ reports that some school boards have a quota on the number of children selected for gifted testing from one school. This is because the school psychologists are very busy and can test only a limited number of students. In this unfortunate situation, some students who did well on the aptitude test will not have a chance to try an IQ test. (4) What if my child didn’t pass school screening?