Wceload.exe Wince 6

Windows CE has no notion of a 'current directory' so you must provide a fully qualified path to both wceload and your CAB file: Process.Start(' windows wceload.exe', ' Folder myapp.cab'); The cab file path is a single parameter to wceload.
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Hi, I'm a developer working on PDA devices, specifically with operating systems Pocket PC 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0. We have an application which uses wceload.exe to trigger installation of CAB files on the PDA device, however, while this works perfectly on PPC 2003, it fails on Windows Mobile 5.0. Is there a change in the installation method of CAB files in Windows Mobile 5.0? Is there any difference in the way wceload.exe works in Windows Mobile 5.0? Any inputs would be welcomed. Oh, and these are the devices I am using, in case you need the info: HP iPAQ 3115 - running Pocket PC OS 2003 Dell Axim Pro - running Windows Mobile 5.0. Thanks in advance!
Hi, Different versions of wceload.exe accept different sets of command line arguments (and especially in the very early days of Pocket PC this seemed to even vary depending upon OEM). Wceload.exe isn't particulary good with it's command line interface. For instance the process exit code typically has the same value wether or not the CAB file actually installed successfully, meaning it is difficult for the caller to determine if the CAB file has installed or not (atleast without making Configuration Service Provider XML queries for the Uninstall CSP to query currently installed applications). Phantom cine toolkit keygen torrent free.
Could you provide the command line arguments you are providing to wceload.exe? My suggestion would be to remove any command line arguments you are using to attempt to get silent installs (if this is indeed what you are using wceload.exe for). In my experince these problems are usally a result of the installation process displaying an error message or prompt for the user to confirm something which the silent install has aborted on in lue of displaying a user interface. This will also probably be the reason why Peter asked what the value of VersionMax is in your *.INF file (since this controls the maximum version of Windows CE that your application will run on and could be one possible reason why wceload.exe could abort installation on WM2005 devices) Once you have stripped back your call to wceload.exe to simply pass the name of the CAB file you are attempting to install and verified that this works, attempt to add the command line arguments back in one at a time until you find the one causing the problem. The version of wceload.exe provided with Windows CE 5.0 is documented at Thanks, Christopher Fairbairn. Sorry, the path must be contained in double quotes if it has embedded space.
This was the reason in my case. Thanks Hi, I am also facing the issue with WinCELoad. When calling the winCE loader it extract and install the cab files if the cab file is in same folder however i need the cab file be in a separace folder and then extract them one by one.
Is there some switch or command line parameter that can be passed to WinCE loader to install the cab files from different folder. It must be possible because when we tab on the cab files in any folder manually it extract and install the files successfully. Thanks Vipin.
Hiya, Had to start off on fixing this again:p, so I revisited this test on a Windows Mobile 6.1 emulator image, and sure enough, same problem. Here's a sample of the code I'm trying. #include #include #include PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; CString wceloadPath(_T(' WINDOWS wceload.exe')); CString args(_T('/delete 0 ' Windows.marimba nws ch.11 code Sfera.cab ')); BOOL bVal = CreateProcess(T2CW(wceloadPath), T2CW(args), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &pi); Any ideas what's happening? The main error is that wceload.exe returns with a negative value, and the CAB doesn't get installed (no error messages, no pop-ups, nothing).