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Data types in VB and.NET Data types Data types in VB and.NET This article presents a technical look into the numeric data types supported by classic Visual Basic, VBA, VB.NET and the.NET framework. There are surprising peculiarities in several types. A conversion diagram shows how to achieve lossless type conversion.

How to store numbers in your programs? How to avoid Overflow or loss of decimals?

How to work with dates? This article summarizes the elementary numeric data types in classic Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, Visual Basic.NET and other.NET languages. Reasonable development experience is assumed. This is no introduction to programming. You may find some of the information especially handy if you intend to migrate from VB6 to a.NET language. Data type summary With numeric data types we mean the elementary built-in types intended to store integer numbers, decimal numbers, flags and dates.

The following table shows numeric data types sorted by their storage requirements in bits and the numeric range they support. The VB6/VBA data types are used in classic VB and Visual Basic for Applications.

The.NET data types are offered by the.NET framework versions from 2.0 to 4.0. The VB.NET data types are aliases for the underlying.NET data types, available in Visual Basic versions from 2005 to 2010. Numeric data types in VB and.NET Bits VB6/VBA.NET VB.NET Min value Max value (1) Boolean Boolean -1 0 8 SByte -128 127 8 Byte Byte 0 255 16 Integer% Int16 Short -7 16 UInt16 UShort 0 65535 32 Long & Int32 Integer% -2,147, 483,648 2,147, 483,647 32 UInt32 UInteger 0 4,294, 967,295 64 Currency @ -922,337, 203,685, 477.5808 922,337, 203,685, 477.5807 64 VBA7: LongLong ^ Int64 Long & -9,223, 372,036, 854,775,808 9,223, 372,036, 854,775,807 64 UInt64 ULong 0 18,446,744, 073,709, 551,615 128 Decimal Decimal @ -7.92E+28 * 7.92E+28 * 32 Single! -3.4028235 E+38 3.4028235 E+38 64 Double # Double # -1.80E+308 ** 1.80E+308 ** Date and time 64 Date -657434.9465.967 64 DateTime Date -9,223, 372,036, 854,775,808 7,767, 064,994, 427,387,903 64 TimeSpan -9,223, 372,036, 854,775,808 9,223, 372,036, 854,775,807 * Decimal: ±79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 ** Double: ±1.6231570E+308 Data type specifics Boolean Boolean is really a flag and not a numeric data type. The storage size is 16 bits in VB6 and varies by platform in.NET. Integer and Long Integer and Long have the same name and type character in VB6/VBA and VB.NET, but they are different data types altogether. To stay clear one can use Int16, Int32 and Int64 in.NET.
