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The 'Nokia Test' for Scrum teams was developed orginally by Bas Vodde at Nokia Siemens Networks in Finland. It has been updated several times and appears in it latest incarnation in Jeff Sutherland's Scrum Certification classes where he demonstrates that attending the class yields an average return on investment of 1033% for participants. Links to all previous versions of the Nokia Test, the current scoring of the ScrumButt test, and the 1033% ROI calculations can be found in the attached presentation, '. Hi Jeff This is nonsense. I’ve been at your course (at JAOO, Aarhus), and while the SCRUM message is brilliant, this 1033% ROI is simply a big laugh. All these numbers are taken form thin air.

At the course I attended, you was the one how made up these numbers not the students. First of all you say a average team cost 100K a month. Is that a 7 +/- 2 person team?

Second you assume that only one team member has to take the course! Spore creature creator torrent mac download. Third you assume that they will be 20-50% more productive!

You know as well as I that these numbers are made up, and was now way an average at best it was one students optimistic thought. My problem is that, when someone how does not use SCRUM read this they are rightly skeptical, and it makes SCRUM not trustworthy. If this was a one-time coincident, I would not comment. But it seams to me that every time you talk about the value of SCRUM, you tend to make a very naive assumptions about the reality. Please consider being more realistic and honest.

You know being Agile is about building trust. And this is the exact upper sit.: Thomas •. Thomas, I appreciate your conservative nature. However, I am consistently doing this test in classes all over the world and participants (many who have been doing Scrum for some time) consistently say they can improve velocity 50% by increasing their ScrumButt test score from 4 to a 6.

Many of them think they can do better than that. The average U.S. Team of 7 costs about $100,000 a month. In actual fact, a 50% increase in velocity will generate a lot more than $20000 more software revenue per month. For example, if you read Benefield’s paper on Yahoo, you will see that the financial office at Yahoo determined that a Scrum coach at Yahoo generated $1,000,000 in additional revenue per year by raising 10 teams production by 35%. This is about 1000% return on investment.

This was very conservative as she points out the teams that were well coached at Yahoo got 300-400% improvement. In our venture portfolio group we have companies that have increased their velocity 300% in three two week sprints immediately after attending my class. Now, if the attendees at the class go back and do nothing they will get zero results, so maybe that is what you are seeing. People who go to the class and then don’t change anything will produce ScrumButt implementations that suck. That has nothing to do with Scrum.

Jeff, One of the things I have been meaning to ask you is about the “increased their velocity 300% in three two week sprints.” I have seen this type of boost, but not simply from a ScrumMaster attending a 2-day class. With an integrated coach – yes.

A few people I have talked to who have attended your class walked away understanding they should resize stories at the end of the sprint they are completed in. Furthermore, they re-evaluate story sizes directly before the sprint they are planned for. We all know that stories always seem bigger later in the project. My question is: “these teams with the 300% in three two week sprints immediately after attending my class” – did the story sizes remain constant and anchored prior to the first sprint?

In not, and the story sizes are allowed to be fluid (aka, perpetually resized) then the result is story point inflation. It is a common phenomenon on projects to have the average story size increase the later in the project a story is sized.

If story sizes are being inflated, the team’s productivity is not increasing though Velocity appear to increase. Giora Morein •. Increase in velocity needs to be measured against stable reference stories.
