Mytraffic 2013 Fsx Crack

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I started a new thread in case this was missed in the other T2G OTHH thread. For those with BGL based AI, download It has a 'Find & Replace' option to edit airports. Ok, here is what you do, in aifp2, go to 'files', select 'Open Traffic BGL' after it loads, at top menu, select 'flight plans', select 'Find/Replace' Next, where it says 'field condition', select 'Destination', next in the 'Find box' type OTBD then in the 'Replace' box, type OTHH then click on 'replace With' and your done.
Easy as that. Edit: Re compile BGL when finished Works in FSX, and P3D Not tried this with My Traffic, that could be interesting. Hmm i do it step by step and compile it in diffrent ways! But it doesnt work for me! No traffic in OTHH but in the old doha i got some traffic! I have My traffic 2013!
What do you mean compile it with other options? With the create button you can choose two diffrent options! I was testing both! Well, all I can say is keep trying. It is a cow of an editor, and even bloody Nasa would have trouble coming to grips with it. It took me about 4 or 5 goes before that darn thing worked.

I use UT2 as well, and that was a piece of cake. If it was not for the ai that UT2 does not have, MTX would be off my HDD. BTW, if you don't see a DOS box at the end, it did not take.
FSCommander updated to version 9.5.1; - AES - added versions 1.92, 2.07, 2.10, 2.30, 2.35a, 2.36 and 1.10 (!!!) (The older version, the more keys are available) - Added AES 2.37b versions did not check) - FSCommander updated to version 9.6; - Added some more old versions of AES (1.99, 2.05, 2.11, 2.13, 2.21, 2.24, 2.26 and 2.34) added by Aerosoft My Traffic 2013; - Professional Flight Planner 1.21 added (rolled back to 1.15 - sorry for jamb) TSR Autobrake updated to version 2.00; - FSCommander updated to version English verbs in gujarati pdf.