How To Install Cccam On Az Box Hd Premium Operating System

Hi everyone found this on another Forum This is to force Entitlements to your Sky card You don’t have to wait for an Update you can force an Update, Place the card into the *** Receiver and follow. 1) Locate the button on the front of the Receiver, named “Back Up”. 2) Press and hold down the “Back Up” button 3) WHILE HOLDING IT DOWN, disconnect then reconnect the power to the receiver (do not release the back-up button yet). 4) About 20 seconds after reconnecting power, all four coloured lights will illuminate on the front of the receiver. Activation key generator. If the TV is switched to *** a message will also appear on screen.
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Jul 20, 2009 I will try just to explain on one place how to install and run native CCcam 2.1.1 ( CCcam.mips ) on AzBox HD Elite and Premium. First of all, download from this thread file, called azbox-cccam-2-1-1-working.rar.
“Updating System Software”. 5) Only after the four lights illuminate and the message appears should you release the back-up button. 6) After about 10 minutes the reciever will return to “standby” (ie. Red LED only).
Leave the receiver in standby for 1 minute as it carries out a self check. Switch receiver out of standby (green LED illuminates).