Game Vietnam Heroes

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It’s Time for Your Tour of Duty It’s time for another tour of duty. The award-winning Lock ’n Load Tactical Series. Heroes of the Nam. This squad-level game, with its fast-paced, intense impulse system, drops you right into the middle of furious jungle firefights and all-out, building-to-building assaults. In Heroes of the Nam, forces from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), the United States Army and Marines, as well as their valiant Anzac allies from Australia and New Zealand, take on determined enemies from the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the unpredictable Viet Cong (VC). Powerfully armed Squads are at the vanguard of all actions, spurred on by daring Leaders and other unique individuals such as Snipers, Medics, Corpsmen, Chaplains, Advisors and, of course, Heroes, whose unique skills and sudden appearance can alter the tide of any battle.
Helicopters, tanks and armored-personnel carriers (APCs) also join the fight. Test your mettle in over 25 action-packed scenarios. Only the heroic will be victorious. Requirements: No other product is required to play this game.
This game contains some previously released material from Forgotten Heroes and Anzac Attack. Heroes of the Nam Includes: 7 x Color Geomorphic 8.25 x 12.75 Maps. Linear bounded phenogram soundtrack. 5 x Counter Sheets with over 550+ counters 90-(5/8) 8-(3/4) 14-(7/8).
1 x Color Core system manual featuring the latest v4.1 rules. 1 x Color Game Module rules, Examples of play with over 30 Scenarios. 2 x 11 x 17 Player Aid Cards. 3 x 8 x 11 Player Aid Cards.
1 x Heavy Duty box. Requirements: No other product is required to play this game. This game contains some previously released material from Forgotten Heroes and Anzac Attack. Executive Producer: David Heath Associate Producer: Blackwell Hird Lead Game Design & Development: Jeff Lewis Manual Editor: Jeff Lewis Counter Art: David Julien, Nicolas Eskubi, Marc von Martial Map Art: Marc von Martial Graphic Design & Layout: Blackwell Hird, Christia Murray, Steve Pultorak, Steven Dennis Box Art & Design: Blackwell Hird, David Julien Administration: Ava Marie Heath Customer Support: Jason Church Logistic Manager: Darren White Scenario Designers: Peter Bogdasarin, Jeff Lewis, James Luck. It’s Time for Your Tour of Duty It’s time for another tour of duty.
The award-winning Lock ’n Load Tactical Series. Heroes of the Nam.
This squad-level game, with its fast-paced, intense impulse system, drops you right into the middle of furious jungle firefights and all-out, building-to-building assaults. In Heroes of the Nam, forces from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), the United States Army and Marines, as well as their valiant Anzac allies from Australia and New Zealand, take on determined enemies from the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the unpredictable Viet Cong (VC). Powerfully armed Squads are at the vanguard of all actions, spurred on by daring Leaders and other unique individuals such as Snipers, Medics, Corpsmen, Chaplains, Advisors and, of course, Heroes, whose unique skills and sudden appearance can alter the tide of any battle.
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Helicopters, tanks and armored-personnel carriers (APCs) also join the fight. Test your mettle in over 25 action-packed scenarios.
Only the heroic will be victorious. Requirements: No other product is required to play this game. This game contains some previously released material from Forgotten Heroes and Anzac Attack.
Overview No More Heroes is a cel-shaded hack-and-slash action adventure title for the, created and directed by (, and ). Published by Ubisoft in the United States, No More Heroes is also the most violent game released in 2008 and one of the most violent titles on the Wii.
Gameplay Players use the A button to make Travis swing his sword, but deliver the final blow with a motion sensing quick time event. No More Heroes is primarily a standard hack-and-slash action game. Players will wield the beam katana and take the blade to hundreds of minions, using anything they can get their hands on (from baseball bats to stop signs) to try and fend of Travis and his relentless assaults. Unlike other action games on the Nintendo Wii, No More Heroes doesn't make the player waggle and shake the remote to attack. Instead, No More Heroes maps the katana slash to the A button and a kick attack to the B trigger. Waggle and shake control is instead relegated to a 'finishing move', called Death Blow mode, which is necessary to defeat each enemy. Nailing this final swing (not a difficult task, as the game provides players with a good bit of time to nail the attack) will cause Travis to dominate his opponent, usually resulting in decapitation, dismemberment, or worse.