Free Rdp Serial Port Redirection Attacks

I have a Server 2012 R2 box with Remote Desktop Services running on it. Windows Server. Pulling my hair out with this one. I have a Server 2012 R2 box with Remote Desktop Services running on it. Home > Windows > Windows Server. Server 2012 R2 Serial Port Redirection. By alexmaynard on Apr 26, 2016 at 17:46 UTC. Windows Server. The USB device I was trying to redirect was an FTDI USB-RS232 adaptor. BTW: This was the only Serial Redirection reference I could find which actually shows a correct example of the command line syntax. Note: In my case I didn't have to manually map the remote COM port.
I'm having some trouble understanding COM redirection via RDP. It seem it doesn't behaves as I'd expect if I redirect a port greater than 32? Here's the setup, in short: - there is a serial device on my local computer (a digital scale), conected with a USB to Serial adapter. - I then connect to a remote server using RDP. MyPC is Win 10, the server is Win Server 2012. I enable port redirection in the RDP settings. - I log in to my remote account and start my app that should read the weight on the scale.
And here I encounter a problem. If I, locally, assign any COM port between 1 and 32 to my scale - evertything works fine on RDP. If I assign anything above 32 - I get an error that 'COMXX does not exist'.
A side note, I have the same app on my PC locally and I can read the weight of the scale regardless of COM port. I even tried 256.
It seems that the bottleneck is somwhere in RDP redirection. Does anyone have any advice howo to check and/or overcome this?
COM Port Redirector (Serial to Ethernet Connector) is a software tool that enables you to redirect up to 500 serial port devices over network (Internet or LAN). A single COM port can be accessed by multiple computers in the network, no matter where the port is actually located.
With Serial Port Redirector by Eltima there is no problem of working with remote serial devices - be it a modem or any other kind of equipment that uses serial ports for communicating with a PC. Remote and virtual serial ports and devices will be treated by your apps as if they were plugged directly into your machine. COM Port Redirector (Serial to Ethernet Connector) is a cross-platform solution, it now has a command-line version for Linux OS. You can designate a Linux machine as a server and Windows machine as a client, or the other way around. Serial Port Redirector for Linux supports data transmission over UDP. Linux version for ARM-based devices is available. Now you can share serial ports on ARM devices or connect to remote devices.
Note: you need D-Bus to be installed on your device to use this version. Dani daniels 11 11.