Elves Of Alfheim Pdf Writer

The Norse universe- showing Alfheim where the elves live It will be obvious that the Saxon immigrants to British shores in the sixth century brought with them an established body of belief on fairies and elves. What I wish to do in this posting is to attempt to outline the core elements of what that belief might have been, before it interacted with existing insular British beliefs. Sources We can form some idea of what our Saxon ancestors might have believed from several sources. Er tutorial.

The Queen of Elphame’s presence in folklore. And her association with the world of elves and fairies is analogous with other Celtic and Germanic mythical deities who lingered on in folklore. Previously a race of Celtic gods who survived as fairies in the Irish tradition.

There are their own literary productions- poems, stories and medical texts- which provide valuable information. There are contemporary Norse texts which examine the Viking pantheon. Lastly, we may compare more recent Scandinavian- especially Danish- folk beliefs with English fairy stories; where they share elements, we may suggest that these derive from an early, common mythology believed by all the continental Germanic tribes. Of course, the potential flaw in this approach is that there was later contact through Danish and Norwegian Viking settlement in Britain.

If beliefs are widespread throughout all of England and lowland Scotland- and not limited to the Danelaw, this later influence may be discounted; equally, I might argue that we are still describing Saxon folklore, albeit the beliefs of the later Saxons after the Norse influx had been absorbed (!) In fact, many of the ideas listed below are found in Wessex, the West Midlands and the North, the Borders and Scottish lowlands, beyond the Norse settlements, so that later imports may not be the best explanation. Another approach could be to ascribe these common beliefs to a core of Indo-European thought, something that was not unique to Celts, Germans, Slavs or others. There is, very likely, such a deep shared source: it is probably world wide and very ancient. In this case, it is still likely that a good number of these ideas were incorporated in to early English belief and were carried into Britain at the time of the settlement. Norse Alfheim The old Norse Edda is a good starting point for this examination, as it provides a clear statement of northern Teutonic belief about the elves. In the early 1200s in Iceland, scholar Snorri Sturluson compiled the so-called prose Edda, a record of the Norse myths and legends. In Gylfaginning Gylfi describes the heavens and the many splendid places there: “There is one place that is called Alfheim.

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