Coordinate Converter Borneo Rso Stock

Data yang lari tu bila download dari gps. So penyelesaiannya saya retype koordinate kedalam excel then input sebagai x,y data. Cuma jika banyak point guna cara ni nampak leceh. Then x,y data tu saya export sebagai shape file format rso meter. Then guna tools utk convert layer to kml then bukak guna google earth. So far point tak lari dan masuk dalam google earth. So saya test buat projection dari rso meter ke wgs84 then dari wgs84 ke rso meter, point takde yang lari.
So kira resolve lah masalah saya.
Coordinate Grid Convert GPS Coordinates to NAD83 Coordinates Finder Map of Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinates Coordinate Converter for Beaufort SC Geographic 470 x 316 jpeg 74kB. Coordinate Converter Borneo RSO. 560 x 420 png 17kB. Borland jbuilder 3 university edition of office.
• Chan, S.; Billesbach, D. P.; Hanson, C. V.; Dengel, S.; Polonik, P.; Biraud, S. 2016-12-01 The AmeriFlux network conducts independent site visits using a portable eddy covariance system (PECS). Short-term ( 0.02). Fluxes (net ecosystem production (NEP) and gross ecosystem production (GEP)) are most related to NDVI and SAVI when these are interpolated to larger 20 m × 20 m pixels (R 2 = 0.44-0.50; p 3 m 2 m -2, making this index more appropriate for newly regenerating reclamation areas.
For sites with LAI.